Sunday 16 July 2023

Panto rehearsals begin!

 How quickly did that come around? One minute we were rehearsing for ‘Bonnie and Clyde’ and now rehearsals for Panto start next week! We can’t wait to make a start on this one. It’s our first Panto written by the brilliant Tom Whalley and we’re so excited for the first read through. Tickets are already on sale. This is going to be a hoot!


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  2. Thank you for sharing your exciting news! I can't wait to see your Panto, it sounds like a blast. I'm a big fan of Tom Whalley and his writing, so I'm sure it will be hilarious and clever. What is the name of your Panto and who are you playing? How can I get the tickets and where can I find more details? I hope you have a great time rehearsing and performing. Good luck! If you are looking for more theatre shows in London in 2024, you should check out some of the awesome musicals that are coming to the West End. You can find some of the best musical London theatre tickets on LSBO. You can also find some of the best musicals on Broadway, such as Les Miserables, a classic and epic musical that tells the story of the French Revolution and the struggle for freedom and justice.
